Our beloved parents always used to say to me and Ksistof: boys, good deeds pay off, be nice to other people and they will be nice to you. Well, I have to admit that they would mostly tell this to us when we were relentlessly teasing and fighting with each other (and that happened quite often; but in the end, what are the brothers for?).
Anyways, this blog post is not even about that. We grew up and now teach our own kids the same old truth. It is simple yet powerful: be kind, always.
That’s why we participated in the annual Rimi Vilnius Marathon together with our lovely children and Rimantas Kaukenas team #AplenkimeVėžį. The team of Rimantas Kaukenas is already known to many sports fans because of their noble mission: they’re helping seriously ill children and their families.
We invite you to support the wonderful Rimantas initiative, too, by contributing here: https://kaukenoparama.lt/en/.
Let’s bring some light into the world and make it a better place for all of us!