LavTwins is a global media, fashion and reality TV phenomenon surrounding the lives of the tallest living twin brothers, Darjus and Ksistof as they continue to captivate audiences with their unique humour and life choices through all media platforms worldwide.

The shorter of the two, but 10 minutes older than his twin, brother K is a family man with 3 kids. His wife, Tatjana is already famous worldwide, having been a supermodel majority of her career, she has been crowned Mrs. Globe in China, back in 2017. A proud collector of Olympic badges, he dreams to come back to the Olympic Games, this time, as a performer, rather than an athlete.
- 2007 Eurobasket Bronze Medallist
- 2013 Eurobasket Silver Medallist
210 cm | 6 ft 10,5 in
105 kg | 232 lb
49,5 | 15
Sofi the dog
“are you kidding me?”
spacing out
Saturday, because next day is off from training
buffalo mozzarella with prosciutto

Leading brother in terms of height, Darjus is also known to be more outspoken, and is often the one roasting his twin brother with every joke on hand. Both of his sons are following in the footsteps of their father – training to be professional ballers.
Brother D also boasts an impressive, yet, very secret collection of home pets, which he refers to as ‘very cute but illegal’.
- 2007 Eurobasket Bronze Medallist
- 2013 Eurobasket Silver Medallist
212 cm | 6 ft 11 in
105 kg | 232 lb
49,5 | 15
2,5. One is on the way, so not really 3 yet
dogs Tim and Oops, a cat Kike, hamster Mailo, Aliosha the Turtle, an aquarium with goldfish, and last but not least – two exotic pets Jorge and Pepa. I‘m a real family man!
“and one!”
reaching above the top shelf
Saturday, because next day is off from training
anything that’s well fried
The pair has turned their unique, entertaining personalities and their everyday life adventures into a brand trending worldwide. LavTwins continue to amaze crowds, showcasing their one-of-a-kind lifestyle with unique fashion statements, most adorable of families and adventures. Darjus and Ksistof are going through on their journey to a global fame, starting from the last year of their professional careers, where they play in the same club as were the infamous Ball brothers – LiAngelo and LaMelo. What started out as a documentary online series about the tallest twins in the world, has turned out to grow into a global phenomenon with worldwide projects including reality TV, movies, social media projects, fashion lines, etc.