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The day has finally come! As we’ve shared before on our social media platforms we’ve been preparing ourselves for a trip to China. We’re excited to share that the countdown is over and we are on our way to a very special event.

Being the largest twins in the world, we get to do many cool things, like play basketball and participate in numerous fun events, but lately we got an offer that we just couldn’t refuse – we were invited to the biggest twins festival in the world. We don’t meet many twins on a daily basis, but this week we will be seeing over 12 000 of them gathered in the Mojiang region, in South China, also knowns as ‘Home of the Twins’ for its high twin birth rate. It is even believed that a woman would conceive twins after drinking water from the county’s pair of ancient wells.

We consider this an amazing opportunity and we have been preparing for – we took a scooter challenge, educated ourselves about the culture, started learning the Chinese language and tried their food. We’ll have a very busy schedule that will include a twins parade, meeting fans, attending a traditional event and even a wedding, so keep in tune and follow our social media platforms to see how it goes.



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