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By September 23, 2020 No Comments

Time flies quickly – one day, we were one of the most promising basketball newcomers in the country, and now we’re just two rusty old men. Ok, I am exaggerating a bit. Darjus and I put much effort into taking care of our health so we’d still play flawlessly.

However, the Tokyo Olympics next year won’t be waiting for the tallest twins with open arms, and we wanted to celebrate the most important sports event anyways. With this idea, our new project, the “TwinGames”, was born – a series where various Olympic champions coach LavTwins.

In the upcoming year, we’re determined to try out as many Olympic sports as possible and meet the most talented Lithuanian athletes. Maybe this way, we could get into the Lithuanian delegation and go to Tokyo. Although, Darjus mocks me and says it’s unlikely. Nonetheless, we’ll still show support for our hard-working colleagues, and I’ll get a chance to kick my brother’s butt many times.

We hope that all of you will love our new project, as the first episode of “TwinGames” will be out shortly. I don’t want to spoil anything, but our first challenge will be … academic rowing. With help from Rio Olympics vice-champions Saulius Ritter and Mindaugas Griskonis, we’re about to either get very good at it or get soaking wet.

So stay tuned to see how it goes!

P. S. The rowers’ swimming suits usually aren’t the most comfortable clothing in the world. We were more than glad to get back to our comfy LavTwins apparel – it’s way less tight and incredibly soft. In case you’d like to try one yourself, visit our LavTwins Shop.



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